Friday, June 09, 2006

This is my first post from my handheld. Hope it works out for me.

My old friend Arlen Specter is at it again. Yesterday it was he had a hissy fit in a public letter about Cheney snubbing him. Instead of sticking to his guns, he apparently was given a private spanking and had introduced another law that the administration will ignore.

Another event is that the Estate Tax repealed failed. I was worried that more farmers who weren't in danger of losing their farms, still wouldn't lose their farms. Whew.

I guess we'll continue to ignore real issues like health care, body armor, and the Downing Street Memo (remember!).

But at least we got the leader of one of the leaders of one of insurgent groups in Iraq. I was watching this morning that no one is allowed to use vehicles in Baghdad and other areas this morning. If anything should be remembered by the US is that these terrorists have a better memory so and attention span than we do. So when we forget about this by the end of next week, lift the vehicle ban, the insurgents will be there to remind us that we still need to leave soon.

[Posted with hblogger 2.0]


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