Sorry / Vent
For anyone who has bothered to read: Sorry for not writing anything. Been busy.
For everyone else: Hello, I will try to keep writing.
My issue is that I have got too many/too few places to look for news. I'll explain. I have an RSS aggregator that I use to try and keep up. I am subscribed to so many and only a few have actual original content. So when I think that I am getting something new, I am actually getting something older.
Then there is the search for real truth. Trying to figure out the spin from the talking points ... you get the idea. It is almost to the point where the reporters are the ones that need to make news in order to get the news out, example David Gregory or to some extent Stephen Colbert (not necessarily a reporter but to some a news source). Gregory seems to be the only one who wants to get real answers to questions, and doesn't want to keep getting the "ongoing investigation" line. So I do disagree with Tom Brokaw in the link provided, but it points out the he is not afraid to ask some questions.
There is also a quality/quantity issue. Some times the post subjects I get from Blogs are something like: "READ THIS NOW!!" and then the actually post is something as trivial as "Bush is still not my president".
And that is why I haven't posted, I do not want alienate my audience with a no content post like the one above.
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