Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Illegal Immigration

I have been agonizing over how is the best way to talk about illegal immigration. I don't even know where to start. I was going to bore you with a lot of facts and figures on that the growth from 1980 until now. When I started that research process, I realized that nobody knows anything about anything. I'll explain.

The White House and Congress have been talking about a 10-12 million number as how many illegals there are. This was based on the 2000 census, and then adjusted by expected birth & death rates, entrances made daily, and the other factors. None of which really matter or are correct because we know that like most numbers the government comes up with, they are wrong in one way or another. The next time you meet an illegal ask them if they would/did participate in the census. The actual number is somewhere closer to 30 million. http://www.theamericanresistance.com/ref/illegal_alien_numbers.html

The 10-12 million number probably encompasses those that are coming from Mexico, or specifically a racial profile against Latinos. Why target them you say? Those are the ones that are costing us money, or so perceived by the Republicans. Those are the ones that are most likely to vote Democrat as well. They typically don't have insurance of any kind, rarely pay their emergency room bills and otherwise put a drain on public institutions (or so the machine wants you to believe. This isn't even talking about the Chinese, Indians, etc.

I am not sure what the reality is, but I can assure you that no matter what is being said about illegal immigration, there are still 30-40 million people in this country that are considered part of the working poor. So if you couple those two numbers together, you end up around 50 million. So what is happening is that the Republicans mark those that have no recourse and say they're the reason why there is a drain on the economy. So let's round them all up and tag them with some biometrics.

But none of this matters because it is just like the Gay Marriage Amendment, the Republicans needed a banner to rally behind so that the Democrats could vote against it for the attack ads coming out in August - October.

I am not sure what the answer here is, because if the Democrats say let's go further and fully fund a bunch of border security initiatives including more money for the Coast Guard, Customs, INS and Border patrol. Because then we get marked as going to far and spending too much, even though Democrats could say that we were interested in homeland security, and Republicans aren't.


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