Thursday, July 14, 2005

I think I will take a moment to speculate as to where this is going.  Karl Rove is gone.  Fitzgerald only has to prove the Rove violated the Espionage act.  See this argument at Bad Attitudes

Then two things could happen:  1) Rove goes to Prison.  2) Rove stays where he is.

My hope would be that he goes down for this and takes a few others in the White House with him.  My concern would be that he still runs the show from prison.  With any luck he is convicted by a jury of his peers and he gets a creative judge.  This judge would not necessarily sentence Rove to prison time but to forbid him from participating in the political process ever again. 

Judging by the way that Bush has stood by his man for all these other wackos, I don't think Rove will leave unless the legal system forces him. This also assuming that he doesn't get pardoned by his boss. 

Far-fetched you say?  This is Bush's last term and it is a solid three years to the election.  Any republican can say "I didn't have anything to do with that." 

So my strategy going forward is to drag this out for as long as possible and let every last republican weigh in and smear themselves.  Kay Bailey Hutchison and Kit Bond obviously don't mind taking one for the team.  And all these people too. 

Also, if he stays we can still press Scott McClellan in every press conference.  The press will also have the lattitude to start asking some of the other pressing questions while Karl is fighting his turmoil.  Like fixed pre-war intelligence and the Downing Street Minutes.



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