Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I don't know why Scott (Puffy McMoonface - Chummy McSharkbait) McClellan bothers to have press conferences. First we had a press that only threw softballs and now he won't talk about Karl Rove in any context.

You can see the whole thing by going to C-SPAN.

And of all places, Fox News has an article up that says the Matt Cooper had a press conference where he basically confirmed that Karl was his source.,2933,162406,00.html

Lastly, it appears as though we are going to start asking for his resignation. My personal belief is that it is too early yet but some feel that they need to strike now. John Kerry is one of them.

I am going to try and make to the Anti-Rove protest with MoveOn tomorrow at the White House. I will see you there and report for those who can't make it. I may even attempt to do some onsight audio so that you can experience it first hand.


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