Friday, July 15, 2005

A Copy of my letter to the Editor of the Dakota Voice:

TO: Bob Ellis, Editor, The Dakota Voice
CC: The Ed Shultz Show, The Stephanie Miller Show

The next time that you write an Op/Ed, and profess that you know all the facts, you ought to know all the facts.  About the only thing that you got correct was when you copied the sections of US Code.  The rest of it appears to be pure Republican talking points put out by Mehlman and the RNC.

You have obviously missed the point of the whole "non-story" as you call it.  The problem isn't that Rove broke a law or not but has yet again acted unethically.  And if you had seen interviews with Wilson you would know that he contributed to both presidential campaigns in 2000 and actually voted for Bush.

As far as why Schumer took up Wilson's torch yesterday, Schumer initially urged the Justice department to investigate this leak. 

Also, the District of Columbia does not have senators as it is not a state.  But you didn't check on that either.

I won't argue about your opinion as everyone is entitled to their own.  However, you should not misrepresent the facts by distorting the truth and taking events out of context.


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